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Trymbi and Advienne

Alvaro's avatarAlvaro@Alvaro07/05/2023

Trymbi and Advienne

IMO despite Trymbi having a mediocre last split he’s still a pretty good support and definitely an upgrade over advienne. What are your thoughts on the trade?

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Avatar for Davis
Davis@Davissam• 08/05/2023
Loading...I mean I’ll miss advi, he was always so positive in the videos. I still think trymbi is a bit better. We have to see tho
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 08/05/2023
Loading...The only downside is that Advienne could develop even more but Trymbi is great
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 07/05/2023
Loading...Tbh I don't if it's a good move or not because I don't know how Noah play so I don't with who he could have had a better synergie 🤷 For those wondering : https://twitter.com/anonimotum/status/1655171125783977986
Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...It’s a shame we let Advienne go, maybe all a strat to play with rekkless at KOI, who knows 👀👀 but still very sad to see him go
Avatar for TheDarkMyth
Loading...I think it's a pretty good change. Hopefully, he can catch up to his performance from his time at Rouge.