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AllLeague of LegendsFnatic TQ roster 

Fnatic TQ roster

Franky's avatarFrankyCow Paulo@Franky18/05/2023

Fnatic TQ roster

To be honest, I don't know the players. What do you think about them?

¡Volvemos al lío!

Dadle la bienvenida al roster que defenderá nuestros colores en esta nueva temporada:

⬆️TOP: Doxylol

🌴JUNGLA: Rabblelol

➖MID: nafkelah

🏹ADC: Reptile9LoL

🛡️SUPPORT: Kadirlol

🔄SUPLENTE: Viketox

👨‍🏫HEAD COACH: Gaax__

VamosFnaticTQ SuperligaLoL


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Avatar for Solari-Dawn
Loading...Este roster sera interesante se confía
Avatar for Madscot
Madscot@Madscot• 19/05/2023
Loading...Nafkelah who was already with us this season is great. Imo the next Caps if he continues improving. Reptile is known to be a promising ADC, so great addition. Other members are fine, a bit of a scramble of who's available to make the roster. Can probably reach mid table/playoffs qualification
Avatar for owenmelbz
owenmelbz@owenmelbz• 19/05/2023
Loading...Adrian has it on good authority that Reptile will carry...... 👀
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 18/05/2023
Loading...I dont know the players, so we will see ☺️
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...Cant peform worse then the main roster can they? 🤷‍♂️
Avatar for Stefans
StefansLEC Summer 2024@Stewie90k• 18/05/2023
Loading...@RenoNiiChan Auch
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 18/05/2023
Loading...@RenoNiiChan 😅😅😅
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 18/05/2023
Loading...We will see how they perform 👀
Avatar for Stefans
Stefans@Stewie90k• 18/05/2023
Loading...The few games i saw him in was carrying the whole thing
Avatar for Stefans
Stefans@Stewie90k• 18/05/2023
Loading...I only know the midlaner 🫡
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 18/05/2023
Loading...@Stewie90k and? Is he good ?