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Avatar for Nionom
Nionom@Nionom• 01/06/2023
Loading...One tip I can give is to start analyzing pro games and understand what calls the IGL makes pre-round or mid-round. And then pay attention to what the reaction is to certain plays and how a team adjusts to the enemy team accordingly.
Avatar for tillmc
tillmc@tillmc• 26/05/2023
Loading...Study defaults
Avatar for Davis
DavisCitizen Key Holder@Davissam• 26/05/2023
Loading...You gotta be extremely vocal and be resilient in solo queue because many will flame you after giving wrong calls or Sth
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...Dont stress to much and try to 5 stack if u really wanna have a impact as a igl, randos arent always gonna listen 🤷‍♂️ it is what it is
Avatar for Jhin Wick IV
Loading...1. Know how to communicate with your team while keeping morale up, even if your team doesn’t have mics. Positive vibes go a long way! 2. Identify how both your team and the enemy team plays to make a plan before round starts and adjust accordingly. Share with them every last detail on what they need to do to win in a quick yet efficient way. 3 (optional but very helpful). Play controller/support type agents because if you have a bad game in terms of aim and dueling, your team will likely flame or ignore you if you’re a bot frag Jet or Reyna trying to advise your team on what to.