Loading...He was never bad, people were judging him because for his first 3 games ( 1st week ) he was a bit forced to play tank while he is a beast on carry champ, and also he was super camped during that 3 games because he was a rookie, and I was always telling to the other fans that you should thrust him because he is a beast. When I see him playing this split I’m so happy that he got more confidence on stage and so he can show who is he !
Loading...@FNC-Lewis +1 , im spanish and I saw him in the spanish league, in fnatic team queso, and he was a beast on carrys, It is true that he joined the LEC team on a very hard spot, no time to practice and winter chaos of fnatic roster, and after the first week, I thought he could get mental destroyed, however, he showed very strong mental and now he is showing us that he deserve that spot, im super proud of him