AllProductsWhich piece of tech that yo...

Which piece of tech that you own has been worth every penny?

Escaldi's avatarEscaldiOfficial@Escaldi19/07/2022

Which piece of tech that you own has been worth every penny?

For me, it would for sure be my 2nd gen 11" iPad. I was hesitant at first and was sure I'd have buyer's remorse, but that was not the case at all. I use it for lite video editing (LumaFusion), graphics creation/editing (Affinity Designer), and sometimes it's my main work device when I'm not in the office.

What about you? 🤔

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Avatar for Stefans
StefansPioneer Key Holder@Stewie90k• 14/05/2023
Loading...My first Iphone 4 ! I killed with that when it came out :))))
Avatar for wackU
wackUCitizen Key Holder@wackU• 14/05/2023 iPad 10, I’d buy that more 100 times, is just sooo cool, every design I make is thank to that, so brilliant! 💪🏼💪🏼
Avatar for ezqeel
ezqeel@ezqeel• 09/05/2023
Loading...Old ipad
Avatar for syaf
syaf@emptyhouse• 09/05/2023 a uni student, it's honestly best to buy an ipad with a keyboard then for games just buy a pc and so my ipad has been such worth the money since i could save for a pc
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 08/05/2023
Loading...I think its my "old" PS4 already ☺️ Not because its special or something else, but it was the first thing, that I bought from my own money. I worked for it on my own and it felt so good to buy it afterwards 🥰
Avatar for Jhin Wick IV
Loading...My blue yeti microphone since I was able to actually start practicing vocals and stuff with a more clear sound
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCitizen Key Holder@Franky• 08/05/2023
Loading...An hdd docking station, with that I don't have to keep everything on my pc
Avatar for Davis
DavisCitizen Key Holder@Davissam• 08/05/2023
Loading...I think I gotta go with my external hard drive.. it has all my uni/work backups on it. Couldn’t live without tbh