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Freaking out - FNATIC WORLDS

Freaking out - FNATIC WORLDS

Ok guys, I'm loosing my mind... What do we need to go to worlds? We have to defeat XL and the winner between BDS and SK right? I'm freaking out... I can no wait to see the boys stomping everyone... Do we have any news how screams are going? What's the humor?

What did you think about Trymbi?

Trymbi contract with fnatic expires at the end of this year... If we qualify for Worlds I think it should be enough to extend the contract... I would love to see this roster again, they have huge potential! Plus an extension of the contract would give him a little more peace of mind, allowing him to play more serene (I've seen him under a lot of pressure in the last few games)

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Avatar for Keniwann
Keniwann@Keniwann• 05/10/2023
Loading...Lettsssss Gooooo🧡🧡
Avatar for Sillent
Sillent@Sillent• 24/08/2023
Loading...The scrims i don't know, but i belive in the boys, they can afford the pressure and make history
Avatar for AkiTsugane
AkiTsugane@AkiTsugane• 22/08/2023
Loading...Win XL and lose to BDS/SK = play for a spot at Worlds with 4th place of NA (Golden Guardians iirc) Win XL and BDS/SK : Worlds spot. Either way we have to win against XL and then against another opponent with the ability to lose once. As far as rumors go, it's pretty dead silent. Only Wooloo said that Fnatic is 'kinda mental boomed' right now. (As of 18.08.23) But it's only a sentence on a discord so it's worth what it's worth.
Avatar for ImBlackbird
Loading...@AkiTsugane Damn is the situation this bad? what discord server are we talking about?
Avatar for Fnatic Sam
Fnatic SamOfficial@sam• 22/08/2023
Loading...Win XL we’re at worlds, we minimum play against Americans. All in our hands now.
Avatar for ImBlackbird
Loading...@sam Thank you Sam!
Avatar for ImBlackbird
Loading...@sam Can you give us some news about the guys?