Loading...Just with all the new agents something that needs people to get used to it but I’m sure they will balance it out! I have faith in riot and excited to see some different game play with this new agent
Loading...He looks extremely unique and fun to play but also very hard to properly balance, doubt we will see much of him in VCT but hopefully some teams will try to innovate with him
Loading...He would be good when combo with others but if Ur just playing ranked not premier he's quite viable and self sufficient as he has a wall and vulnerability ad well as his 2 tap.
In his ultimate, u whiff Ur screw like reyna.
i recon when u combine him tho with harbour, so u can play more aggresive. that wouldnt be too bad and if u had a third person, they could play breach or some other person to flash/stun the enemies.
Solid agent for valorant, only good on haven, bind, Pearl.
Loading...@Official-Tei-Meing I think he is completely self sufficient agent.I dunno how to combine him with other agents and I think his wall ability so similar to harbor's wall ability so I think there is no need to combine him with Harbor.
Loading...@Arxiduc Yeah I dont like that either. I mean, while the ult if you get no team, maybe youre killing one, but the enemies can just kill you, after the ult ended. Its like 1 for 1, and thats the most useless part of that. If you dont get a shield or sth, where you are save, Idk how that should work