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Fnatic news where ?

Franky's avatarFrankyCow Paulo@Franky02/12/2023

Fnatic news where ?

Alright, I need your help. I want to follow Twitter accounts to get more information about Fnatic in general, excluding all official sources. So far, I only follow@itzhannie (technically, could this account be considered official now?) and@crow_lol (for French information). I don't have anyone else. Do you have any suggestions for both English and French accounts?

Thank you.

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FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 03/12/2023
Loading...@OfficialFnatic It's cool, but when I talk about news, I mean having information more about what has been said in streams, or the rumors from scrims, the picks they play in soloQ, or other rumors that I probably wouldn't be able to find from the official channels.