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AllCS2Fnatic loses against Preasy...

Fnatic loses against Preasy and roeJ

nebukuro's avatarKingofKingzPioneer Key Holder@nebukuro28/02/2024

Fnatic loses against Preasy and roeJ

Fnatic just lost against the danish org Preasy 1-2 in the RES Regional Series 1 Europe. Afro was the worst rated again with a rating of 0.74 while the second worst player was Boddy with a rating of 0.93.

Funnily enough the top fragger and highest rated player was roeJ an ex Fnatic player with 71 and a 1.37 rating.

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Avatar for Sextiz
Sextiz@Sextiz• 29/02/2024
Loading...Almost across whole series afro was outperformed by 3 guys. Refrezh, TMB and dupreeh they all picked up the awp in some rounds and had more impact than afro... Painful to watch
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[deleted]@[deleted]• 28/02/2024
Loading...i mean they had dupreeh on the other side, how could they not lose??? on a serious note, it says something about your team when only one of your players can consistently frag, and the other 4 alternate from playing good to essentially throwing, where are the post major fixes if any? Even this Preasy was pretty weak with RoeJ and dupreeh being the only 2 consistent across all the maps, yet even then we cant beat them! We play alternate aTTaX soon, literally ranked 96th, yet it still looks like a 50/50. "To all our fans, we see you and we hear you", biggest joke this year haha