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Fearless Draft in LEC?

Lidn's avatarLidnModerator@Lidn26/04/2024

Fearless Draft in LEC?

Fearless Draft is a new format that's been gaining popularity recently, that's now being used in NACL, LDL and LPL is rumoured to adopt it as well.

Fearless Draft Rules:

  • Only used in BO3's right now.

  • There are no bans in champion select, every champion is available in Game 1.

  • When a champion is picked, that champion is no longer available for either team, for the rest of that series.

Would you want to see this being used in LEC's BO3 series?

If not using the rules above, would you want to see Fearless Draft with modified rules instead?

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Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...Maybe no repeat picks for the same team. Ie team A picks Cho, Ivern, Annie, Vayne, Leona Only them are locked out of those champs for the series
Avatar for Lidn
LidnModerator@Lidn• 30/04/2024
Loading...@RenoNiiChan My initial thought when I heard about Fearless draft, I thought only the champions that a team wins with, are banned for the team who used them. So Im def more aligned with what youre saying
Avatar for Lara :)
Lara :)Citizen Key Holder@Schluru• 29/04/2024
Loading...that sounds funny ngl
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCitizen Key Holder@Franky• 28/04/2024
Loading...Personally, I'm not a fan. We're already not the best at mastering champions with a fairly limited champion pool, so if we add Fearless to the mix, it requires us to have more champions but with a lower overall mastery. So, I'm not really a fan. However, in ERL, why not
Avatar for Lidn
LidnModerator@Lidn• 29/04/2024
Loading...@Franky While I think there are upsides to Fearless, reaching an international event, playing vs teams that haven't played fearless, in a tournament that doesnt use fearless draft would be a disaster for us
Avatar for DarkTiger512
Loading...Who is fearless draft?
Avatar for Lidn
LidnModerator@Lidn• 28/04/2024
Loading...@DarkTiger512 I explained what it is if you check above
Avatar for HighExpectAsian
Loading...Would be something cool to see but really hard to incorporate I think due to the sheer amount of backlash it might recieve