AllValorantPerfect Agent- Describe You...

Perfect Agent- Describe Yours !

KetKitsune's avatarKetKitsuneModerator@KetKitsune20/06/2024

Perfect Agent- Describe Yours !

Describe your perfect agent in Valorant! What would be the abilities, design, ultimate and the story for this agent? 🫵 😎

Untitled design (8).png
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Avatar for FuryOTN
FuryOTN@FuryOTN• 29/06/2024
Loading...Not really been playing that much but I just like to play Zeri ... ehm I mean Neon :D she's fun
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 29/06/2024
Loading...I woukd say one with the smokes of omen, the flash of gekko, the omen tp and Brimstone ult
Avatar for clean
cleanFnatic Plus@cleanval• 29/06/2024
Loading...perfect agent already exists, it’s phoenix.
Avatar for Babs
Babs@Babs• 29/06/2024
Loading...I would say an agents that is similar to Lucio in overwatch, able to boop people of a bomb with neon movements and slides. Able to heal them like sky and jump against walls. But especially boop them off abyss! The back ground story I will get back to 😂
Avatar for creeper9781
Loading...My perfect agent would have a heal like sage but mixed with sky then i bubble like harbour and a wall that is mixed with harbour and sage (a wall you can place as wonkey as you want to but you need to break it to get thru) or harbour and viper (you can go thru but you take the damage and the you get slowed but still can place as wonky as you want to) then a cool character Design with like flowers and stuff like that so the wall would be like a you get side effects of a dangerous flower and everything just flower themed but like a midnight flower themed with like omens colour palette so its a kinda secret midnight themed and the character is also non-binary like clove with the name midnight or something like that
Avatar for creeper9781
Loading...@creeper9781 Oh and the ult is like sage but you can revive everyone near you but they get a dark shimmer and they need to kill someone to not die again like clove
Avatar for FuryOTN
FuryOTN@FuryOTN• 24/06/2024
Loading...Not huge valorant player but I like Zeri :) sorry I mean Neon 😜
Avatar for StandardHuman
Loading...Militaristic monster look omens kit but vipers ult (bigger smoke like Astra quicker tp)
Avatar for GoatFish
GoatFish@GoatFish• 24/06/2024
Loading...A controller that can tp and- oh wait 🤭
Avatar for Dazyatis
Dazyatis@Dazyatis• 22/06/2024
Loading...Honestly, idc, I just want a Canadian agent 🥺🙏
Avatar for Franky
Franky@Franky• 20/06/2024
Loading...I don't know about the other spells, but his/her ultimate would be the same as Soldier's in Overwatch to fully exploit my potential.
Avatar for xKintu
xKintu@xKintu• 21/06/2024
Loading...@Franky Isn’t soldiers ultimate lock on?
Avatar for xKintu
xKintu@xKintu• 20/06/2024
Loading...Abilities would be something like omen’s smokes, a pop flash of some sort, either a stun or mollie, and for the ultimate it would be like gekko ult in a way, but if it sees you for 1 second you’ll be revealed and some other status for 5-7 seconds
Avatar for xKintu
xKintu@xKintu• 20/06/2024
Loading...@xKintu As for the design and story I’m not so sure