AllValorantAbyss will decide champ

Abyss will decide champ

common's avatarcommon@common30/07/2024

Abyss will decide champ

Gen g will has the greatest chamce to win if they have a good abyss and if they perma ban it champs is up for grabs

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Avatar for Wqlfys
Wqlfys@Waflec• 05/08/2024
Loading...Yes ig
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 31/07/2024
Loading...Abyss wil be banned
Avatar for Miss Inconsistent
Loading...Abyss *might* decide Champs. That being said, if it's supposed to then it's better for a team to pick it knowing that they actually practiced it, instead of the good old strat of "oh let's pick this map and throw them a curveball". Because especially with a map like Abyss, it's so easy to get absolutely bodied if you don't know what you're doing. I do hope to see it though, I want to see more desperate player cams while falling off the map :P
Avatar for common
common@common• 31/07/2024
Loading...We will se what happens
Avatar for DTR
DTRVCT Champions 2022@DTR• 31/07/2024
Loading...I'm pretty sure giving the fact that Fnatic didn't ban Abyss on the final that they worked on it and it would be awsome to beat GenG on it and get our revenge🔥
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 31/07/2024
Loading...We just need to not lose and like we'll be able to ban 2 maps
Avatar for Haushinka
Haushinka@Haushinka• 30/07/2024
Loading...I need to know more of your logic here. Also, I saw a Thinking Man's video titled something along the lines of what you are saying. Haven't watched the video, but maybe that's where you got your inspiration?
Avatar for common
common@common• 30/07/2024
Loading...@Haushinka TMV showed that geng has a really good map pool and before they could ban their opponents best map but if Gen G has to perma ban abyss it will be much harder for them to pull it off