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Where does everyone wear their jerseys/kit?

NerdyDuck's avatarNerdyDuckFnatic Nation 2024@NerdyDuck01/08/2024

Where does everyone wear their jerseys/kit?

I own a jersey that I wore when I watched FNC play in Berlin, and I wondered where everyone wears theirs! I kinda wanna buy the champs jersey but I don’t know when I’d wear it so thought I’d come to you guys for inspiration ✨

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Avatar for Wqlfys
Wqlfys@Waflec• 05/08/2024
Loading...When I play, when I'm watching the no matter what, when I'm going to something related to esports
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 03/08/2024
Loading...I wear it to work sometimes xD i have just one(for now, i plan on changing that soon)
Avatar for NerdyDuck
NerdyDuckFnatic Nation 2024@NerdyDuck• 03/08/2024
Loading...@Ducky_M3 I’m thinking of wearing mine to work to give it a test run in the wild 🤭 I work in gaming anyway so I doubt anyone will think it strange - if anything I may find hidden fans!
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 03/08/2024
Loading...To me, it's like sports jerseys: you wear them when you're with your friends or family (no formal events of course), and during the games.
Avatar for NekoSloan
NekoSloan@NekoSloan• 02/08/2024
Loading...I like to wear mine when I go to cons and I no longer want to be in my cosplay :)
Avatar for Chaos Lyulf
Chaos LyulfModerator@ChaosLyulf• 02/08/2024
Loading...I only wear them when I go to esport events, which isnt often the case. But the jacket i sometimes wear when I go for a nice walk and its too cold to go in just a t-shirt. A lot of people I talk with use it when going to the gym or go sporting as well.
Avatar for EmpressAzula
Loading...I wear my jacket when I go out anywhere honestly, its comfy^^ (+ the black and orange makes it easier to pair with outfits)
Avatar for rosie
rosie@rosie• 02/08/2024
Loading...I wear mine when they play. The purple jersey is my favourite 😎🥸 ![5662DF1B-B2E1-406B-A5AE-1BF83FBCFAF6.jpg]( ![40B18D78-C28B-44C8-915F-245A131D98BA.jpg](
Avatar for NerdyDuck
NerdyDuckFnatic Nation 2024@NerdyDuck• 02/08/2024
Loading...@rosie I’m so sad I missed out on the purple jersey 😭
Avatar for TK
TKModerator@AdamTKWallace• 02/08/2024
Loading...@rosie Still wish I had got my hands on the Tokyo shirt.. ahh I’m jealous everytime I see it 🤣
Avatar for deleted-its-a-mad-mad-quantum-story-4 tempted to buy one just for fun 👍
Avatar for NerdyDuck
NerdyDuckFnatic Nation 2024@NerdyDuck• 02/08/2024
Loading...@Rone7 I recommend it - they look awesome and are really comfy!
Avatar for Tohka_Aryani
Tohka_Aryani@Tohka• 02/08/2024
Loading...Whenever i do sports or go to esports event in general
Avatar for deleted-its-a-mad-mad-quantum-story-4
Loading...i havent got mine yet but i will 👍
Avatar for Babs
BabsVCT Champions 2024@Babs• 01/08/2024
Loading...When Fnc plays. I wear them the whole day! Showing them off when I do groseries or go to an appointment hahaah!
Avatar for NerdyDuck
NerdyDuckFnatic Nation 2024@NerdyDuck• 01/08/2024
Loading...@Babs I’ll have to wear my jersey on my trip to Tescos 🤭
Avatar for Secare
SecareCo-owner@Secare• 01/08/2024
Loading...I normally switch around what jerseys I'm wearing and how the weather is. If its nice out I might wear one. Or just usually chill with one on around the house.
Avatar for Kona
KonaVCT Champions 2022@KonaVL• 01/08/2024
Loading...I wear mine pretty much every game, just for the added immersion but I also wear mine at the gym or playing sports, they're really breathable and i've had a few times where other esports/fnatic fans have came up to me to talk about esports because of it. Would highly reccomend!
Avatar for NerdyDuck
NerdyDuckFnatic Nation 2024@NerdyDuck• 01/08/2024
Loading...@KonaVL Time to wear the jersey in the wild and find secret fnatic fans 😎
Avatar for emma
emmaVCT Champions 2024@mediumrarecookie• 01/08/2024
Loading...I bought my bf one and he wears it just in the house chilling, watching fnatic games or other vct events, has also worn it to the gym before. It's really just how you style it I think, same as any other sports jersey c:
Avatar for NerdyDuck
NerdyDuckFnatic Nation 2024@NerdyDuck• 01/08/2024
Loading...@mediumrarecookie I always forget that people wear like football jerseys out and about - I’ll have to find a cute way to style my jersey and wear it out 🤭
Avatar for Kona
KonaVCT Champions 2022@KonaVL• 01/08/2024
Loading...@mediumrarecookie I didn't realise you commented on this haha
Avatar for DTR
DTRVCT Champions 2022@DTR• 01/08/2024
Loading...I wear them when I watch FNC or when I play, and just switch jersey sometime or when one is washing✨️
Avatar for NerdyDuck
NerdyDuckFnatic Nation 2024@NerdyDuck• 01/08/2024
Loading...@DTR Ooh I hadn’t thought of wearing it when I play!