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AllLeague of LegendsLEC roster 2025

LEC roster 2025

LEC roster 2025

What do u guys think is gonna happen for 2025? I think with the performance fnatic had fnatic should do everything in their power to keep razork and humanoid. what do u guys think? And for additions, what do u guys want to see? I would like to see a player like carzzy reuniting with humanoid.

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Avatar for DirtySpartan
Loading...Nothing personal but I also dislike discussing moves and changes before season ends or best case scenario - the team gets to face the international competition at Worlds! Yeah the results are far from great but I think the squad has come a long way from the where they started and they can either show us they have become a better team or fail once again and make the need for change inevitable!
Avatar for JustaOnetrick
Loading...@valentingenov Lets be real, how much difference do u see between now and last year season finals?
Avatar for Mc Schnitti
Loading...@valentingenov Finally some positivity between all the negatives
Avatar for Limanation
Limanation@Limanation• 16/08/2024
Loading...I understand your point but we know the team is working on the mental aspect and more. We need to at least give Noah and this team until the end of season finals. He might bounce back from his mental issues and that would be a god like noah for sure
Avatar for DRTHMG
DRTHMG@darthmag• 15/08/2024
Loading...Dunno if Carzzy would be THE pick, but I sure do love the duo ❤️‍🩹
Avatar for Franky
Franky@Franky• 15/08/2024
Loading...Before talking about 2025 roster, we should at least wait for the end of final season
Avatar for JustaOnetrick
Loading...@Franky Why? I think we as fans can just share our opinions. Even if the season is not finished yet. Our opinions have no impact on the decisions made in the team.
Avatar for FuryOTN
FuryOTN@FuryOTN• 15/08/2024
Loading...I think our biggest issues come from draft and mentality so would start with addressing that
Avatar for Fallendumy
Fallendumy@Fallendumy• 15/08/2024
Loading...@FuryOTN Draft ???? We have 0 issue with draft lmao