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Recs for a complete beginner?

juli_nym's avatarJuliNymFnatic Plus@juli_nym13/10/2024

Recs for a complete beginner?

I'm enjoying watching competitive LOL so much, but I feel like a complete useless blob when it comes to playing.

Any recs? Should I stick to a single champ? Only play support? Or jut practise a lot?

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Avatar for LoreX
LoreX@LoreX• 10/11/2024
Loading...U Need Just play and have fun
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 16/10/2024
Loading...Yes the best thing in the early learning is OTP one champ and one lane then start trying other champ
Avatar for Mc Schnitti
Loading...Stick to 1-3 Champions (preferably easier ones without a high skill requirement to learn) for a specific role, decide for a role (depends on which playstyle u like, but dont start with jungle) Examples: Toplane Garen/Malphite, Midlane: Lux, Adc: Miss Fortune, Support: Sona/Leona Dont play Aram first, as it is way better for beginners to play normals and learn that way (no random champs [stick to 1-3] + less champs on your lane + slower game mode is better to learn & focus for newcomers) There are more old players grinding on new Accounts than new ones, but they forget new players trying out lol exist (+overall toxicity is very high), so consider to set the chat on party/premade only within the settings. Keep in mind: League can function & be enjoyed with less knowledge, but ultimately has very much you can learn &, depends how you see it, costs or needs a large bunch of your time There are many decent/good videos out there (on youtube for example) aiming to guide new players through the basics, it is an easy way to understand the game. If you are unsure which ones are good or bad examples, ask your lol-playing-friends for advice
Avatar for shiiiya
shiiiyaWorlds 2024 Berlin@shiiiya• 14/10/2024
Loading...When I started playing normals I would only play MF 🤣 then I gradually played more champions. Playing with someone who knows how to play would help a lot. Also play aram to know how champions abilities work. (I can play aram alone but when playing normal I will always need my duo and I never played ranked so I don't know if my advice is a good one :pain: )
Avatar for SrCalcetinos
Loading...Before someone else says it - /mute all
Avatar for JuliNym
JuliNymFnatic Plus@juli_nym• 13/10/2024
Loading...@SrCalcetinos Is it really that bad?? 😭😭😭😭😭😭