AllValorantkick off Watch Party??

kick off Watch Party??

qwertyfem's avatarqwertyfem@qwertyfem10/01/2025

kick off Watch Party??

Hi! My partner and i are huge fans, and would absolutely love if there was a watch party of sorts to start off this season!!

Any suggestions or recommendations on whether there's anything like it??

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Avatar for NekoSloan
NekoSloan@NekoSloan• 12/01/2025
Loading...I want one in NYC so bad 😭😭😭😭
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 12/01/2025
Loading...@NekoSloan And me in Spain
Avatar for Aspexn
Aspexn@Aspexn• 10/01/2025
Loading...I’m going to the one on the 25th
Avatar for qwertyfem
qwertyfem@qwertyfem• 12/01/2025
Loading...@Aspexn Wait how'd you find out about this? if there's a link for signup xx
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 13/01/2025
Loading...@Aspexn @qwertyfem The 25th is a valo community event. And if there’s a watch party, it’ll probably be announced 2–3 days before the game or for the finals for Fnatic+ members
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 10/01/2025
Loading...There are people qho like to watch the games on watchparties on discord but idk if that counts
Avatar for qwertyfem
qwertyfem@qwertyfem• 10/01/2025
Loading...In London btw (Hoping someone from the hq sees this and organises something soon!!)