

bunion's avatarbunion 🐐Fnatic Nation 2024@bunionlast Thursday at 00:25


Will he win Bangkok? What do you think? Or does anyone want him to lose lol

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Avatar for Oxbe
OxbeFnatic Nation 2024@Oxbe• yesterday at 09:44
Loading...With fnatic not in Bangkok, EMEA in general is next to root for. So had hopes of vitality making it all the way. Didn't happen unfortunately
Avatar for Hivr
HivrFnatic Plus@Hivr• last Friday at 20:44
Loading...Feels like we have two teams to root for. Unfortunate he lost to T1 tho
Avatar for Lissen112
Lissen112VCT Champions 2024@Lissen112• last Thursday at 11:37
Loading...I hope he wins! He deserved it, vitality has played amazing so they all deserve it :yippee:
Avatar for citrus
citrus@citrus_• last Thursday at 07:35
Loading...I honestly think if vitality beat g2 then their almost certainly getting the trophy
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• last Thursday at 05:10
Loading...I would always be happy if any of our explayers achieved something big so yes, I think he can win Bangkok.
Avatar for Fanatic-of-Fnatic-KKTC
Loading...@CATXALOTE Same