CS teams results
Imo we played pretty mid today, i think this is mainly due to burnout, however, a 2nd place is still amazing for a team, who have always been knocked out in RO16, a couple of days ago we were on fire, with a 5 winstreak. But i think 6+ BO3’s ( dont know the exact number ) in 4 days is tiring for any team even for spirit and vitality. This post isnt negative though, i think we have massively improved even as close as 2 weeks ago, our teamplay is better, and our set pieces seemed to work pretty well for atleast the last couple of days.
Altogether, this team still needs improving, but i believe these last days are the first steps to making it to tier 1.5/ majors.
P.S. dont blame the players, they’ve had a fatigued last couple of days, let the boys rest, and believe they will be back better and stronger than before. + #24 on VRS is great for us as a takeaway!