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Fnatic since 23rd Feb 2022

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Worlds 2024 Berlin
VCT EMEA Stage 1 Champion
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LOCK//IN Champions
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JdokiPioneer Key Holder
Loading...Coaches normally bring a style to the table in how they want the game played and build on that split after split based on player strengths. But we seem to just shake up the roster in a way that almost feels random, and hoping it'll work out this time when things go bad. For example: When we had Upset / Hyli we played strong Bot lane, but rarely strong Mid despite having Huma. We couldn't adapt well. Last split we ditched the strong Bot, and went with weak Top side, weak Bot side, and Carry Mid when it is clear we have no Mid/Jungle synergy? We also played aggressive early when drafting scaling. Next split we look to be going carry Top, while still having poor Mid/Jungle synergy and weak Bot side What is the core FNC identity of the team / style of play we should be building on? And who is leading the LoL team as a whole to embed the style / culture into the team / org?
JdokiPioneer Key Holder
Loading...@patrik With the utter lack of success since 2018 it has been pretty clear that we were starting to nosedive as we have not been addressing key areas year after year. Why has it taken so long, and been allowed to get so bad before senior/central management stepped in?
JdokiPioneer Key Holder
Loading...@Patrik / Stuart. When you see players on other teams, such as MAD and G2, they are having fun playing the game and appear more relaxed. FNC players seem more stressed - not just during the bad times, but even when winning. It comes across as FNC being a bit more 'corporate' Is this something that FNC acknowledges, or agrees with? And what will be done about it? People more closely linked to LoL say the training environment is not good, that management doesn't invest in the team, FNC is profit driven at the expense of players. It doesn't paint a good picture and is not something that we hear about in other orgs anywhere near as much.