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Fnatic since 14th Feb 2022

Fnatic Keys

Membership keys held


Collection of badges currently held via on and offline events

LEC Winter 2024
Fnatic Worlds 2023
19 Years
LOCK//IN Champions
App Horizon
Pioneer Key Holder
First Blood
Citizen Key Holder
Worlds 2022
Beefa la Resistance
18 Years

Games Followed

The games you love all there for you

Talent Followed

Some folks you know and love

Community activity

LokiuPioneer Key Holder
Loading...Are we going to try young talent or continue the trend of taking older guys ? Is the goal to build something, or to continue to be tier 2 with the occasional tier 1 perf ?
LokiuPioneer Key Holder
Loading...To cArn or Samme not sure. Is there plan to get a Head Coach ? As I understand it, Keita and Kevve are both coach but neither of them is "Head coach".
LokiuPioneer Key Holder
Loading...I like as it also confirm Mezii as IGL seem to be a real choice and wish and not a default one.