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Fnatic since 21st May 2024


Collection of badges currently held via on and offline events

VCT Champions 2024
20 Years
VCT EMEA Stage 2 Champion
VCT Masters Shanghai
VCT EMEA Stage 1 Champion

Games Followed

The games you love all there for you

Talent Followed

Some folks you know and love

Community activity

Loading...@EmpressAzula so for us it was a pretty short wait in front of the doors then they checked our ids and tickets, gave us a wristband and did like a metal detector sercurity check with a pat down just to be safe. then you hand off your bag and get into like an entrance place where you can shop and go from there to another room where the arena is :)
Loading...@rebiger have loads of fun and the people are so lovely all the fnatic fans were so incredibly nice
Loading...@rebiger ofc :3 there are some goodies in there too like the signs
Loading...hey man i went there to see the boys play liquid and all i can say is that you give your bag to a wardrobe but you get a tote bag from the arena with some goodies where you can put stuff like your phone or wallet. so dont worry as long as you don’t bring like the biggest bag you can find you should be okay just be prepared to give it to the wardrobe people :3