AllValorantBag Size Riot Arena Berlin

Bag Size Riot Arena Berlin

rebiger's avatarrebigerVCT Champions 2024@rebiger12/07/2024

Bag Size Riot Arena Berlin

I’m going to see the boys play on Monday with some friends. Today we read the “rules” in the arena until we stumbled across a rule that said “The maximum size allowed for all types of bag is A5”. Neither of us know what that means and there we didn’t find anything useful online either. So I thought, maybe some of you guys had a similar problem, know how big bags can actually be there and could help us out here. Thank you in advance, we’d appreciate any help!

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Avatar for Alamut97
Alamut97@Alamut97• 15/07/2024
Loading...How was your experience today haha? The perfect fnatic experience
Avatar for rebiger
rebigerVCT Champions 2024@rebiger• 15/07/2024
Loading...@Alamut97 It was amazing! My voice wasn’t quite there the entire day, but that didn’t keep me from shouting at everything that happened (I’m so gonna regret that tomorrow but it’s worth it haha) I even got to take a picture with Yinsu outside, so I really can’t complain. I’m definitely coming back one day, hopefully in my own FNC jersey. Were you there too, btw?
Avatar for Alamut97
Alamut97@Alamut97• 14/07/2024
Loading...So I've been there every day this year and can tell you even though it says that in the rules, it mostly just applies to backpacks. If you have a tote bag the same size as the one they give you, you can take it in. But yeah as said before you can just transfer your stuff to the one they give you, more than phone or wallet, also water or food or a shirt or jersey etc
Avatar for Chaos Lyulf
Chaos Lyulf@ChaosLyulf• 13/07/2024
Loading...They basically mean it can't be bigger than 14,8 x 21 centimeter. Which is the size of an A5 paper. Which is 50% of an A4 paper, the one you have in your printer. But i guess the centimeters will help you more haha. In inches i believe its 5.8 x 8.3.
Avatar for Mezame
Mezame@Mezame• 13/07/2024
Loading...hey man i went there to see the boys play liquid and all i can say is that you give your bag to a wardrobe but you get a tote bag from the arena with some goodies where you can put stuff like your phone or wallet. so dont worry as long as you don’t bring like the biggest bag you can find you should be okay just be prepared to give it to the wardrobe people :3
Avatar for rebiger
rebigerVCT Champions 2024@rebiger• 13/07/2024
Loading...@Mezame Oh wow that’s really cool, I didn’t know that! Thx
Avatar for EmpressAzula
Loading...@Mezame Hey do you know if they do anything beforehand in the area or is is just straight doors open and watch the game? Is there also a long queue to enter?