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Fnatic since 2nd Mar 2023



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Loading...What do you think about your matchup vs Astralis? Any thoughts about them as a team? I remember in the last split that you kinda disrespected them in LIA videos and then lost vs them. And do you have any opinion about LIDER as a midlaner? 😉
Loading...Can you answer somehow on the off-season situation? There was a lot of leaks or former players/coaches perspective about Fnatic but in a negative way. Can you give some insights on Rekkles situation? On his last stream, he said a couple of worrying words(like this with Upset talks) And is Rekkles doing okay? I'm curious if he worked with a psychologist after this situation, this looked like this was a tough moment for him.
Loading...Which player surprised/impressed you the most? How looks the average day of players?(I guess it's scheduled) What atmosphere is currently in a team? How are scrims going?