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Fnatic since 28th Feb 2022

Fnatic Keys

Membership keys held


Collection of badges currently held via on and offline events

Cow Paulo
Worlds 2024 Berlin
VCT Champions 2024
20 Years
VCT EMEA Stage 2 Champion
LEC Summer 2024
VCT Masters Shanghai
VCT EMEA Stage 1 Champion
Rat Army
MSI 2024
LEC Spring 2024
Fnatic Nation 2024
LEC Winter 2024
Home Ground Champions 2023
Fnatic Worlds 2023
Pioneer Key Holder
First Blood
Christmas Badge 2023
Beefa la Resistance

Community activity

TochkataFnatic Plus
Loading...What went wrong is that we don't understand how our comps work. The only reason we won game one is because Weibo threw the game and because we had a better draft. Game 3 you can't have Zigz and Swain 2 champions with amazing wave clear and let them take 4-5 towers for free without a baron buff. And then hope that we win fight when we are 4-5 k gold down.
TochkataFnatic Plus
Loading...My personal opinion is Huma need to go, Noah needs to go and take coach with a long vision and clear plan ( even though I think Nightdhare is good. I just think he is not right for this players ) . I've also said that Dardo is not my guy. Obviously he fail to deliver the expectations of the fans. The sad part is that maybe he deliver the expectations of the org and that's why we are sticking with him running the lol team.
Commented in
Roster changes
TochkataFnatic Plus
Loading...@Lars89 Words without action don't do much. It's the same as in our league team
TochkataFnatic Plus
Loading...Bro Fnatic is not a major team when it comes to CS . Most good players want to play with other good players, have good salaries and compete in the biggest competitions. We can't offer the biggest players what they want so it's normal that they don't want to come to us
TochkataFnatic Plus
Loading...I like the optimism but realistically we will probably struggle against NA. Top 10 will be huge achievement
Commented in
League Worlds 24