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Loading...@HeroicBastard This has been a special case because he has joined in the middle of the year. It was important for him to have control over his future and make sure he feels comfortable here before committing to a longer term - something that in this case we agreed with and respected.
Loading...@TruVyper As I already mentioned in another comment, we brought Noah mainly because of his huge potential and high ceiling and Trymbi because of his proven talent and experience. When it comes to synergy, the personality of both who are great and kind human beings was key. The fact that Trymbi worked with a Korean before helped a lot to the synergy too. And about my role, I basically lead the strategy of League of Legends both internally and externally so I have a pretty broad role. Internally I work with departments like finance, legal, HR, marketing or studios on a daily basis and I try to have a 360⁰ vision of all we are doing within LoL. As examples I have actively participated on projects like the Zeri Emote, the design of the new office in Berlin or the development of our working structure. Externally I also interact and represent Fnatic with all our partners in the LEC (RIOT and other teams) as well as with other stakeholders such as players' agents. People can't see much of the above on a daily basis, they just see offseasons and team results which is the most visible part. I lead all the transfer and contract negotiations as well as I'm an important part of the decision making of any change we do but not the only one. The only thing I would say I have limited control is what happens purely inside the game as I'm not a part of the coaching staff. If there are issues with practice, draft, champion pool from players or similars, I can support the coaches from the outside on making ourselves the right questions in order to find solutions and therefore be more competitive but sometimes there's only so much you can do. Hope this clarifies a bit.
Loading...@nZenn Meta has been very bot oriented during 2023 and we clearly were not being as strong as we needed in order to be able to be competitive and fight for the title. It's true that Spring went way better compared to Winter and I think with some minor details going more in our favour we could have got a way better result but still far from what we expect for ourselves. With Noah we gain someone very aggressive and mechanically gifted, very young, lot of room to keep growing and very hungry. Trymbi is a very experienced support, top tier in his role in the LEC, with great communication skills and Winner of the LEC last year. Both are really nice human beings and have clicked very well with each other and with the team and botb together bring a lot of what we were missing in the last 2 splits on the rift. We are a new team competing against teams who have been together for six months but we are confident that we can grow a lot in the next months and be contending for all our goals.