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Fnatic since 24th Apr 2023


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Loading...@utopija @sam thank you for the insight and clarifications! Of course our (the spectators') perspective is one that doesn't have all information of the situation behind the curtain, so all we can do is hope and trust in your expertise. As illogical as we might find it from some sort of general understanding of how teams work and a purely psychological standpoint, at the end of the day, we aren't the teams' coaches, their strategists, nor their sports psychologists. Hopefully the decisions for change turn out to be what the team needs for success without disrupting the existing progress, and all the while keeping/encouraging the level of individual play at a standard that the players themselves strive for.
Loading...I can understand wanting to roleswap, but the timing is just insanely weird, isn't it? Seeing how good the team looked at the end of spring, and how great of a synregy they seemed to have - not even as players, but also just as people - this makes no sense to me personally. I understand the stress of wanting to preform well getting to you, but this roster just... needed some time man. I'm 100% convinced this team would be something to be reckoned with in summer. I mean like. Huge. It's jarring to see Rekkles just some weeks ago talking about being so hyped up after the two new teammates joined, and then 180°ing just like that. But then again I'm just a baby fan who is maybe too naïve for thinking the backstage FNC content is showing the entire truth of what goes on behind closed doors. 💁🏻‍♀️ I'm confused as to whether the internet literally bullied him into this by nitpicking his preformances, or if that's something that came pushed onto him from higher up? I feel like my dude is hard enough on himself to do this on his own terms, but then again, I can't imagine the team would just let him go haywire and just bench himself NOW and not wait for summer at least? I'm sure they realize how much potential they have? Had? Sad. Maybe some long term fans can clear this 180° up for me, because I'm genuinely very confused.