AllGeneralHeart Attacks 🤝 FNATIC

Heart Attacks 🤝 FNATIC

TruVyper's avatarTruVyperPioneer Key Holder@TruVyper03/03/2023

Heart Attacks 🤝 FNATIC

Today was another BANGER but it wouldn’t be FNATIC without the heart attacks 💗…

SOOOO What was your favorite FNATIC Heart Attack moment?!

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Avatar for Tofu
TofuModerator@Tofu• 06/03/2023
Loading...One of the major moment was 2018 IEM Finals against Faze, when we are getting whole 5 games of actions. Thought that was peak entertainment, until I saw Valorant Lock In Finals LoL games were not just as hyped bcs we either lost/stomp too hard or the tension wasn't in long enough to be declared as a heart attack moment!
Avatar for 1FreshBanana1
Avatar for owenmelbz
owenmelbzOfficial@owenmelbz• 03/03/2023
Loading...When I saw navi score line in map 3, something definitely clenched!
Avatar for TruVyper
TruVyperPioneer Key Holder@TruVyper• 03/03/2023
Loading...@owenmelbz Nah that was comfort zone right there 😎
Avatar for darwin
darwinOfficial@darwin• 03/03/2023
Loading...The second half when they were starting to mount a comeback… man.
Avatar for TruVyper
TruVyperPioneer Key Holder@TruVyper• 03/03/2023
Loading...@darwin Haven, Fracture, or Icebox? 🤣