Loading...I got mine many many years ago from WoW.
Used to use random names but then started putting words into translate that relate to me
Found Secare ( Latin for to cut) and as a chef and someone who mained rogues and sneaky bois in mmos it stuck since!
Loading...Stewie90k , its from Family guy and i wanted to do the 2k thing and since im born in 90' it ended up weird aaaaand i get called out i stole it from Stewie2k which i didn't even know back then because i was not playing CsGo
Loading...Mine is very cringe because it's a name of a ship and half of Slenderman's name (Frikey Slender lol), I was like 17 when I made it and I have it on most websites, I'm actually thinking of changing it to my username I have here