AllValorantWhat was the first agent yo...

What was the first agent you unlocked and why?

What was the first agent you unlocked and why?

My first agent that i unlocked was cypher. I liked the design and that you get information because of the cam and tripwires. now i main initiator but i still enjoy playing cypher

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Avatar for Kryse
Kryse@Kryse• 16/03/2024
Loading...Omen, because it looked cool for me currently i dont play😄
Avatar for Ruka
Ruka@Rukafps• 04/10/2023
Loading...Idk anymore jahahhaha
Avatar for Keniwann
Keniwann@Keniwann• 04/10/2023
Loading...It was Skye cause is saw Sayf play it alot
Avatar for FatalityMantis
Loading...@Keniwann Skye is a very fun agent!
Avatar for mei
mei@meira• 16/06/2023 first agent was kj, I thought she looked really cool as well as people told me that they think my play style would match her ability Still okay her to this day but I mainly play fade or Skye :))
Avatar for Escaldi
EscaldiOfficial@Escaldi• 31/05/2023
Loading...Cypher was my first and still most-used agent. I love when people get stuck in my trip mines. 😅 Sage is a close second.
Avatar for FatalityMantis
Loading...@Escaldi G g g g g g give me a corpe
Avatar for Jhin Wick IV
Loading...Omen was my first agent played and still my main because I love his play style of having to mainly provide utility for his team but also having some outplay potential with his kit to clutch or carry
Avatar for FatalityMantis
Loading...@Jhin-Wick-IV If i would main controller omen would be my main, too. really cool to see what boaster do with omen!
Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...First agent I unlocked was Reina, seemed fun and more of my play style so I just went for it 😁
Avatar for damienbig
damienbig@damienbig• 31/05/2023
Loading...I'm thinking of unlocking Yoru, from what I've seen of the videos. He looks nice.
Avatar for damienbig
damienbig@damienbig• 31/05/2023
Loading...@damienbig But I don't yet have the level to unlock it.
Avatar for FatalityMantis
Loading...@damienbig Yoru is a nice agents with many mindgame potential!
Avatar for damienbig
damienbig@damienbig• 31/05/2023
Loading...@damienbig Thanks, I'll let you know as soon as I get it and play with it.
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 31/05/2023
Loading...I didn't unlock any, I believie they were free then
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...Omen because it reminded me of reaper on overwatch (which i main) 😁
Avatar for FatalityMantis
Loading...@RenoNiiChan Reaper was my first character in ow😂