AllValorantUnpopular onion: boasters g...

Unpopular onion: boasters gotta go

Unpopular onion: boasters gotta go

I love boaster. He's a great personality and franchise player, best in all of the pro valo scene. He attracts new fans, I'm here because of boasters interactions on the game and with fans.

So I get why he's an asset to the FNC.

But please can someone tell me why he's not benched with stats like that? Hiro is out there killing it and I'm sure there are others players who are more worthy of a seat on a team like Fnatic.

I also get that Boaster has a great understanding of the game and is able to rally and improve the strategic side of the teams gameplay which is essential.

But every time Boasters stats are the same. Bot frag. He should have a more holistic role on the team and let someone stronger on physically playing valorant play.

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Avatar for Wqlfys
Wqlfys@Waflec• 05/08/2024
Loading...Absolutely no
Avatar for HoochieGuccie
Loading...@FuriousSyndrome That's not what being a fan is about :/
Avatar for Sherbert-
Sherbert-@Sherbert-• 01/07/2024
Loading...First: someone must be bot frag and Boaster is igl and KD doesnt Matter in proplay, the Teamplay is important. Second: saw the gam vs KC?
Avatar for KingofKingz
KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder@nebukuro• 02/07/2024
Loading...@Sherbert- Igls don't need to top frag but acting as if having a 0.65 K/d during Shanghai isn't an issues is just delusional. Johnqt was the second best performance on his team for Madrid above tent and Munchkin had a 0.98k/d for Shanghai. Blaster individually dropped significantly compared to last year so stop acting as if it doesn't matter.
Avatar for RME
RMEModerator@RME• 30/06/2024
Loading...What I always like about these kind of posts is going to vlr and seeing which match prompted it. In this case it's obviously the 2-0 against KC. It's always funny cause of how short sighted these kinds of posts are. Sure, in a vacuum purely looking at kills only boaster's performance against KC was so so. That being said: > Hiro is out there killing it is a laughable statement when looking at Lotus where Hiro got only 2 more kills than Boaster. Let alone where we look at their match against Vitality, where Boaster was middle of the table on 2 out of the 3 maps. I am all for valid criticism and sharing of opinion, but it needs to be grounded. This I don't think is.
Avatar for HoochieGuccie
Loading...@RME It's not just recent matches, it's this whole season. I'm not saying he's not a strong player and can have good games. But he is not consistent enough for what I'd like the pro scene to be. And by consistent I mean on performance, not what else he brings to the team which is a lot, but something than could be done for a coach seat.
Avatar for FuriousSyndrome
Loading...@RME This this this
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 30/06/2024
Loading...At least we know you don’t understand the role of an IGL. Their job isn't to frag but to lead the team so THEY can get the kills. Their role is to make their team shine. Almost all IGL in every team are bottom fraggers, so judging them based on their frag only, is a bit ridiculous. This doesn't mean Boeaster is perfect and shouldn't work on certain aspects like frag, but it’s definitely not the most important stat for an IGL. Moreover, losing him for anything outside of the game would be troll (unless he's completely overwhelmed, of course)
Avatar for KingofKingz
KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder@nebukuro• 02/07/2024
Loading...@Franky Johnqt had a 1.17 K/d during Madrid and was the 2nd best performance on Sentinels. Munchkin had a 0.98 K/d during Shanghai and 1.07 for Madrid. Boaster had a 0.65 K/d for Shanghai (the 3rd worst) and a 0.78 for EMEA stage 1. In comparison he had a 0.9 K/d for Tokyo. IGL don't need to top frag but acting as if boaster individual performance isn't a reason to be concerned is just stupid. He has to stepped up if he want stop compete internationally And the poster literally said that boaster brings a lot strategically to the team so how is he judging solely on frags. Furthermore one of the biggest issue of fnatic this year is the worst meta read and how to play maps strategically which are the responsibility of the igl and coach.
Avatar for HighExpectAsian
Loading...If you understood the amount of thinking he has to do throughout a match you would understand. Understanding the game is one thing, adapting and rallying the boys is another. To be the IGL in a game like Valorant it takes an incredible mental load on the brain. The game is incredibly fast, there’s different agents and no round is alike due to ultimates. Imagine you’re a professional athlete. It’s hard to compete against other top tier athletes right? Now imagine playing chess at the same time.
Avatar for HoochieGuccie
Loading...@HighExpectAsian You're saying how good he is at IGL outweighs his need to be able to pull off trades or hold important angles, so why not have him as a coach? Leading the team from the coaches seat, and rallying the boys from there and bring in a more technically able player?
Avatar for snaKeye
snaKeye@snaKeye• 29/06/2024
Loading...Bro he is freaking igl he need to watch each n every steps , igl don't even need to frag much. Best igl ever boster
Avatar for FuriousSyndrome
Loading...@snaKeye Exactly like the amount of people who don't seem to understand his value is crazy
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 29/06/2024
Loading...Bro you wanna drop out one of the only 4 pure IGLs that we have in EMEA
Avatar for FuriousSyndrome
Loading...Google the responsibilities of an IGL light hearted He doesn't need to frag out
Avatar for KingofKingz
KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder@nebukuro• 02/07/2024
Loading...@FuriousSyndrome Johnqt had a 1.17 K/d during Madrid and was the 2nd best performance on Sentinels. Munchkin had a 0.98 K/d during Shanghai and 1.07 for Madrid. Boaster had a 0.65 K/d for Shanghai (the 3rd worst) and a 0.78 for EMEA stage 1. In comparison he had a 0.9 K/d for Tokyo. IGL don't need to top frag but acting as if boaster individual performance isn't a reason to be concerned is just stupid. He has to step up if he want stop compete internationally.
Avatar for Babs
BabsVCT Champions 2024@Babs• 29/06/2024
Loading...It’s an unpopular onion indeed, Reading this almost made me cry just like when I chop them 🥹
Avatar for FuriousSyndrome
Loading...@Babs He is legit the IGL
Avatar for Haushinka
Haushinka@Haushinka• 29/06/2024
Loading...To be fair, someone has to bottom frag. If it's not Boaster, it will be someone else and then we are gonna be asking FNC to change that player too because of stats. Boaster has already proven himself by winning multiple trophies, Idk why people keep doubting him. Also, the team seems to be happy with him, which tells me his contribution goes a long way from just his stats. He will retire when he wants to retire, and I hope he goes into a coaching position within FNC. But I want to keep seeing him play for now.
Avatar for w_isha
w_ishaVCT Champions 2024@w_isha• 29/06/2024
Loading...i understand where you are coming from, but IGLs do not need to actually frag.. they are there to lead the team, coordinate the team and strategize and i think Boaster is really doing a great job there.. we can only see stats but we cannot really see what happens behind that, you cannot undermine Boaster's contributions to the team just bec he cannot frag as much as the others.. boaster is the main goat of the team 🧡
Avatar for clean
cleanVCT Champions 2022@cleanval• 28/06/2024
Loading...Boaster is undeniably the heart and soul of the team, and he’s been here since the start. I don’t think he should go, although his performances can be sometimes sub par mechanically, when it comes to everything else (mental, igl etc) he does great. He has his pop off moments here and there and it’s so good to see, the way i see him is he’s like a mini version of… mini.
Avatar for KingofKingz
KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder@nebukuro• 28/06/2024
Loading...On the one hand KD is not everything, Blaster has a lot of impact through clutches. He was the player who won the most clutches last year. So stats don't tell everything. On the other hand individually he has been performing worse than last year. Atm we are winning so there is no reason to change anything. The best thing to do is to wait until after champs and if we still underperform internationally it might be time to transition boaster into a coaching role.