AllValorantLeo's condition according t...

Leo's condition according to Boaster

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Avatar for RambleyRacoon
Loading...I know I'm late for this but I hope he recovers
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 28/08/2024
Loading...@RambleyRacoon You aren't late, we all hope he recover
Avatar for Dean Woodward
Loading...Hmm not sure what the recover for long COVID actually is, not sure there actually is one
Avatar for Haushinka
Haushinka@Haushinka• 25/08/2024
Loading...@The-Doctor You gotta change your name because what an awful thing to say. Recovery is different for everyone so you shouldn't talk about what you don't know if you don't have his medical records in hand.
Avatar for The Doctor
The DoctorPioneer Key Holder@The-Doctor• 25/08/2024
Loading...@Haushinka I for sure have to do what some random tells me :)
Avatar for mintTea
mintTea@mintTea• 25/08/2024
Loading...oh man that's really rough, explains why he was struggling so much. i had long COVID for about a month and a half and it was very exhausting and difficult so i really feel for leo. hope he can recover well throughout off season!
Avatar for divvi
divvi@divvi• 25/08/2024
Loading...@The-Doctor You can recover from long covid, weird comment. Just wish him a good recovery and move on.
Avatar for The Doctor
The DoctorPioneer Key Holder@The-Doctor• 25/08/2024
Loading...@divvi Recovery is rare - not weird; just a fact. Especially when you are working in a high pressure / high stress environment. It’s more weird that you attack me for nothing. Wishing him a good recovery here will help him for sure #ThoughtsAndPrayers-moment xd Keep going white knight
Avatar for divvi
divvi@divvi• 27/08/2024
Loading...@divvi Recovery is not rare at all, thats just a weird made up statement lol. Im not sure what part of this you felt attacked by? White knighting = not commenting weird out of place things on someones illness, gotcha. You might need some time off the internet buddy