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FNC Lodi's avatar.

FNC Lodi


Fnatic since 9th Mar 2022

Quality manager - ISO
Employee safety coordinator
Fnatic member since 2022
Fnatic fan since 2018
Based in the Netherlands 🇳🇱

Fnatic Keys

Membership keys held


Collection of badges currently held via on and offline events

LEC Summer 2024
LEC Winter 2024
19 Years
App Horizon
First Blood
Core Key Holder

Games Followed

The games you love all there for you

Talent Followed

Some folks you know and love

Community activity

FNC LodiCore Key Holder
@FNCLodi• 03/02/2023
Loading...to the new head coach: does love/loyalty to a team matter when assembling a roster? for example if a prospect expresses love for a team. does a team concider that in it’s dicision?
FNC LodiCore Key Holder
@FNCLodi• 02/03/2023
Loading...i would really like to see a official branded gaming chair from Fnatic.
Commented in
gaming chairs