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Fnatic since 21st Apr 2023


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Loading...Xayah nidalee and jayce have to be my favourites. I love feathers’ mechanics and her skins are also really fancy. I love the skill it takes to go through with a nidalee game, she can take over in 8 minutes or be completely useless after 8min. Jayce instead has some cons like not being good to go in every match up but his gameplay has a lot of hidden mechanics that I love.
Loading...Hello it’s my first post and perhaps I’m looking for some “consolation”. Rekkles decided to role swap to support and I fully understand the feeling, but I still hoped this day would never come, I’ve been following him in the last 7 years and I just lost my motivation to play adc and my role model. Now, roleswapping does not mean I will forget who he is/was and I won’t stop shouting REKKKLEEEEEES when I make a penta. But I still feel lost. Overall positive change for him, it can bring new life and lower the stress and I bet he’s gonna be great asf at it, just not a good timing when LEC team was starting to be really good. How do you guys feel about it? Sorry for the long paragraph.