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Who is your favourite League Champ and why?

Just1KB's avatarJust1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB28/04/2023

Who is your favourite League Champ and why?

Mine is Darius, the feeling you get after hitting a 5 stack ult dunk is unmatched. You feel invincible in game and IRL (until you get kited to death....)

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Avatar for Nynke
Nynke@NynkeNyx• 03/05/2023
Loading...Gotta love Jinx, I quit league but she was the first champ I picked up before Arcane even. Something about her design just stand out to my younger rebel self I guess haha
Avatar for PinselKonrad
Loading...I LOVE Jhin and even bought the 80€ statue 😭 The whole design, the abilities and the voice lines are really great
Avatar for ForceOfReason
Loading...Nocturne and Fiddle, because I like their theme. Personally I play Noc, as Fiddle is really hard to learn and to pull off, if you don't have much time you want to invest in a champ. But I like his interactions with other champs.
Avatar for tillmc
tillmc@tillmc• 02/05/2023
Loading...I just like that Orianna plays like my favors moba character
Avatar for ElPistoleros_
Loading...“They’re not just oranges – they’re blood oranges.” Gangplank ofc
Avatar for kaii_d
kaii_d@kaii_d• 02/05/2023
Loading...Aphelios, amazing kit and actually fun to play. So many people dont know how this champion works, so its even easier
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 02/05/2023
Loading...@kaii_d His kit looks insane once you learn all the small nuances! I still underestimate Aphelios all the time 😅
Avatar for C4TMAN
C4TMANCitizen Key Holder@Catman• 30/04/2023
Loading...Viego His lore about love, his kit, and the look
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 02/05/2023
Loading...@Catman Veigo's Lore is really cool, i wished the Runation event was a little better however.
Avatar for Clobchob
ClobchobPioneer Key Holder@Clobchob• 30/04/2023
Loading...The good old Mafia Graves before rework 🥲 Kiting with ADC Graves back in the days was just so smooth and satisfying. Also miss the Graves, Leona bot lane nuke combo 🫠 Nowadays probably Jhin is my favorite, very unique playstyle and clean kit.
Avatar for Mr_Forum16
Mr_Forum16@Mr_Forum16• 30/04/2023
Loading...Zed. Because of the lore and also, shadows
Avatar for ItNocturne
ItNocturnePioneer Key Holder@ItNocturne• 30/04/2023
Loading...My favorite champ is actually kindred, I just love to ult drake and steal enemy's jungle while ganking lane for hunt. Otherwise it would be neeko, xerath or thresh.
Avatar for AverageFNCEnjoyer
Loading...I’m a Twitch spaceglider 🐀
Avatar for robotwis
robotwis@robotwis• 29/04/2023
Loading...Pyke cause it is just fun roaming around the map and ulting people
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 29/04/2023
Loading...@robotwis Ive alaways wanted to play Pyke, his ult looks just as satisfying as Darius's!
Avatar for RainyRiver
RainyRiver@RainyRiver• 29/04/2023
Loading...Xayah nidalee and jayce have to be my favourites. I love feathers’ mechanics and her skins are also really fancy. I love the skill it takes to go through with a nidalee game, she can take over in 8 minutes or be completely useless after 8min. Jayce instead has some cons like not being good to go in every match up but his gameplay has a lot of hidden mechanics that I love.
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 29/04/2023
Loading...@RainyRiver Having a good Nidalee to play around is so great! Give em an early lead and watch the LP flow!!
Avatar for FNC-MamboToxic
Loading...so my main is Poppy couse is a character i wonna be but my favorite champion is lulu simple couse you can call her a sugar plumb ^^
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 29/04/2023
Loading...@FNC-MamboToxic Poppy is in a REALLY good state atm 😯
Avatar for p0w3l1
p0w3l1Pioneer Key Holder@p0w3l1• 29/04/2023
Loading...Same as you mate! @Just1KB I main Darius, not only because how potent and dominating he is in the Rift, but also because of the lore, his character and how gigachad he is 💪🏽 BUT actually Fiora has been growing in me for some time. Started playing her a lot last season and this season she's my go to champ when blindpicking and have the highest WR on her as of today. The playmaking potential, how OP you feel every outplay, being a splitpushing god, PLUS the answer Oscarinin gave me last AMA saying Fiora was his favourite champ too has just hyped me to the point I NEED to play her every game now 🤣
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 29/04/2023
Loading...@p0w3l1 Gigachad indeed!! Tbf i like playing Fiora too, her potential to outplay is insane!
Avatar for 1FreshBanana1
Loading...Kassadin. Back when I started lol I always wanted to play him. It become a meme with my friends because in the end it took me 6 years to finally buy him and even longer until I finally mained him. Now I'm rocking proudfully the hextech skin with him
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 28/04/2023
Loading...@1FreshBanana1 Nice one!! I played Kass for a bit in season 5, really fun champ!
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 28/04/2023
Loading...@Just1KB Thats so true! 🥹 I cant wait to get a season 2!! 🥰
Avatar for albedo
albedo@albedo69• 28/04/2023
Avatar for Phantom Morgan
Loading...I used to be one trick Ezreal before his ability rework, but still love him mostly because of looks 😅 Right now I'd say is Ashe and Karma, not only good design but they easy to play for me and on them I have my best KDAs Also Varus has a special place in my heart
Avatar for Jhin Wick IV
Loading...I’m going with Jhin because gameplay wise, he’s always balanced and is always useful no matter the state of the game, meanwhile as a character he’s an interesting fella
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 28/04/2023
Loading...@Jhin-Wick-IV I really like Jhin too! The Dude is so mysterious and his gameplay is solid!
Avatar for FnaticMEOWlone
Loading...I stopped playing league very quick about 3 years ago. But I always played Ahri and still really like her🥰
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 28/04/2023
Loading...@OnlineMEOWlone Ahh nice one! Yeah i can't imagine starting league from fresh, would feel quite rough to get into in its current state
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...Jhin & Zeri
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 28/04/2023
Loading...@RenoNiiChan In my opinion Jhin has one of the best kits in the game, zeri however 🙃
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...@RenoNiiChan @Just1KB, when zeri came out Jhin lost his place in the meta, so i had to look for something new, played zeri on release and mained her since then. Both have unique kits imo and id choose Jhin over Zeri if i had to pick
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 28/04/2023
Loading...@RenoNiiChan Zeri does look fun to play, and she seems to have been in a decent position especially in pro play this season
Avatar for Ihacker
Ihacker@Ihacker• 28/04/2023
Loading...Zed easily, Easy to pickup, Hard to master with insane skill expression and outplay potential, And there is no better feeling to getting a kill with ult pop
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 28/04/2023
Loading...@Ihacker Zed is one of my favourite champs too!! He is so fun to play and getting stylish kills is so satisfying!!
Avatar for InsideDNA
InsideDNA@InsideDNA• 28/04/2023
Loading...Jayce for the power I feel when I oneshot squishys /s
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 28/04/2023
Loading...@InsideDNA A fed Jayce E,Q is scary af
Avatar for TatayAuro
TatayAuro@Auro• 28/04/2023
Loading...Ill go with Blitzcrank his my first hero i really love robots
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 28/04/2023
Loading...My all time favourite Champ is Jinx! 🥹 She is not so hard to play and her Design is fucking amazing! I was so happy, as i saw, that she was the main character in Arcane! A lovely and freaky woman! 😍😌😂
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 28/04/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 Jinx is awesome! Arcane is insane and she absolutly steals the show!
Avatar for Generic Jimmy
Generic Jimmy@HKM• 28/04/2023
Loading...To play: Akali. Design: Gwen. Akali cause she’s a balance nightmare, love figuring out how to play her no matter how low her winrate is, nice combos and great animations, pretty much one of the few assassins that actually scales well and has more than one playstyle. Gwen cause I love the color blue and she’s the cutest. Yes, I have her plushie.
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 28/04/2023
Loading...@HKM A good Akali is a nightmare to play against for me, really cool champ, but yeah her kit is difficult to balance
Avatar for Stefans
StefansPioneer Key Holder@Stewie90k• 28/04/2023
Loading...Yes, my wife is a one trick blitz and my kda if trugh the roof !
Avatar for Stefans
StefansPioneer Key Holder@Stewie90k• 28/04/2023
Loading...Tristiana because when your blitz hooks you just bomb, jump and ez stomp
Avatar for Just1KB
Just1KBPioneer Key Holder@Just1KB• 28/04/2023
Loading...@Stewie90k Nice! So many free kills with a decent blitz :)