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Fnatic since 15th Feb 2022


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Fnatic Worlds 2023
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Loading...While I kinda agree with you, there are a lot of things to consider. Who do you get? You can’t just get players and hope it works. S1mple to Fnatic? Sure probably would be upgrade but would it work? We can’t know unfortunately. Being a team is sometimes more important than having superstars. We need stability in the team if we ever want to comeback to the too we can’t always just change rosters.
Loading...Italian esports market was huge, Pow3r was huge, he left a huge impact on the scene for Fnatic,and this is a sad moment. But as he said it once fnatic always fnatic Good luck in the future Pow3r. ![E77F34D7-7EFD-4D16-96FB-097AB4C49D0B.jpg](
Loading...@Madscot True, and also he’s in the process of publishing his books, but i still think there could be a way to at least make some content if not integrate him with a team during one tournament