Counter-Strike 2
AllCS2State of cs2 roster

State of cs2 roster

[deleted]'s avatar[deleted]@[deleted]09/02/2024

State of cs2 roster

I dont have much hope for this team, it seems that every alteration to our roster is only making it worse and worse. How long until we finally decide to go all in on cs instead of doing the bare minimum for this team?? If we cant evem qualify to events without partner slots i doubt the cs team will make it past 2025…

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Avatar for 1VieTCoNg
1VieTCoNg@1VieTCoNg• 17/02/2024
Loading...Get new management system, OUR FUCKING AWPERS KEEP BEING TRASH AFTER A MONTH; Jackinho, poizon, smooya, nicoodoz, and now afro…
Avatar for KingofKingz
KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder@nebukuro• 17/02/2024
Loading...@1VieTCoNg Nicoodoz was decent compared to the others...
Avatar for -DenKo-
-DenKo-@-DenKo-• 16/02/2024
Loading...I think our main problem is the AWP-er. We need that tier 1 awp player who can carry the big green and the whole squad with his performance. Afro seems little bit scared with that awp, it looks like somebody just told him that he will play awp. Please fnatic you have try to find one good international awper and another rising star like Matys. Ofc he is not always the best but his impact is huge and all we need is a good Awp player who the boys can rely on.
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCitizen Key Holder@Franky• 16/02/2024
Loading...I know very little about the CS scene, so this will be a purely casual opinion, but I get the impression that, firstly, it's complicated to form a roster since there are changes all the time and no defined transfer window. In addition to that, you have tournaments almost every week with often multiple matches on the same day, so there's not really a pause to train and everything, or not enough time. Consequently, I feel like it's costly without real assurance that it will work out, potentially resulting in a significant loss of your investment. So yeah, I don't think this roster will last long unless they step up. Therefore, for me, it's more like we don't have the funds for big names or just don't want to take the risk, so we're betting on rookies, and it's hit or miss.
Avatar for enestee
enestee@enestee• 17/02/2024
Loading...@Franky Fnatic literally tweeted out like 4 months ago that they got lots of money from selling good players and making it into the major. But they are not investing at all. That's the problem. Also there is no need for separate transfer window.. Top teams like vitality or Astralis or G2 can get any player from any team if they investment and reputation. Problem is fnatics reputation is trash because of mismanagement and lack of investment
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 14/02/2024
Loading...This team is doomed
Avatar for Serhhio
Serhhio@Serhhio• 13/02/2024
Loading...While I kinda agree with you, there are a lot of things to consider. Who do you get? You can’t just get players and hope it works. S1mple to Fnatic? Sure probably would be upgrade but would it work? We can’t know unfortunately. Being a team is sometimes more important than having superstars. We need stability in the team if we ever want to comeback to the too we can’t always just change rosters.
Avatar for [deleted]
[deleted]@[deleted]• 13/02/2024
Loading...@Serhhio obviously not advocating for serious changes until something sticks but theres something fundementally wrong with the roster for every new iteration to flop hopefully yhey can find out weather its a roster problem, of management.
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...My 2 cents on this is that cs is just in a bad state esports wise. Many tournaments are played in a couple of days, exhausting players with tons of matches in short time for little to nothing in return awell. They should just look at other esports and improve their formats so its more feasible for teams
Avatar for enestee
enestee@enestee• 17/02/2024
Loading...@RenoNiiChan Fnatic plays the least amount of events and still they are shit. Teams like faze plays in almost every big events and they are top 1 team right now
Avatar for TK
TKCitizen Key Holder@AdamTKWallace• 13/02/2024
Loading...Honestly it’s still early days with our new roster. We’re still learning what works and what doesn’t work. Let’s see how we do at the major and let them cook. Keep believing and I’m sure they’ll perform the best they can! Seeing all the negativity across all our teams is quite sad, let’s hype everyone up and keep believing in the team we love, at the end of the day the players are human just like us, not robots or AI that are perfect 100% of the time. I reckon we give them time and see how they do 🧡
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCitizen Key Holder@Franky• 16/02/2024
Loading...@AdamTKWallace Tbf, the negativity isn't towards all of our teams at the moment; it's mostly CS that takes it, and sometimes LoL when we lose against G2.
Avatar for KingofKingz
KingofKingzPioneer Key Holder@nebukuro• 13/02/2024
Loading...I think we should wait until the rmr to judge.
Avatar for JM1407
JM1407@JM1407• 17/02/2024
Loading...@nebukuro u saw enough ?
Avatar for [deleted]
[deleted]@[deleted]• 17/02/2024
Loading...@nebukuro it was even worse than i thought, couldn't hold a candle to top 10 teams and crumbled once again to none other than saw (ggs btw saw very nice playing) If this is what we have in store for the lineup (that might not even play in the major) well we can expect NIP level results then... clearly the org dosent care however since they wont even post any of the matches won let alone lost on sm, sad what the cs division has become please let krimz retire, its just tarnishing his legacy
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 12/02/2024
Loading...I think they are very out
Avatar for Andrew_wjl
Andrew_wjl@Andrew_wjl• 12/02/2024
Loading...I couldn’t I agree more, it looks like that fnatic is only paying attention to lol and valorant, not giving at all to cs, cs being literally the most popular game should be prioritized, also due to the fact that they already have a big history behind it, so why not invest in it more, and recreating a team that actually can provide with some results
Avatar for Andrew_wjl
Andrew_wjl@Andrew_wjl• 12/02/2024
Loading...@Andrew_wjl This is also very evident in the fnatic instagram page, where only advertises valorant and lol
Avatar for RyStek
RyStek@RyStek• 12/02/2024
Loading...@Andrew_wjl Yeah it's crazy they have on IG n fnatic.valorant it's been like that for a while... It's makin me sad NGL remembering how good they use to be... still waitin for the comeback I do understand that FNC Valo team is on the top of the world rn so they are focusing on them but they cutted out the CS completely 🤧
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 12/02/2024
Loading...@Andrew_wjl CS is not the most popular game at least butI think they might change some things intheroster to be competitive
Avatar for [deleted]
[deleted]@[deleted]• 12/02/2024
Loading...@Andrew_wjl At this point it seems like their only goal is to get sticker money from the major... they seem to avoid any well established players (besides bodyy, but hes well past his prime for a while), not to mention the academy team was basically left to rot despite having many prospects that have found their footing in the scene (peppzor, volt). I also don't get why we haven't changed coaches in so long, you would think after the relentless 2-13's they have had in the last year keita would be well past gone, but since he managed to get us through some of the easiest major paths and espoo 2023 he can stay for as long as he likes... I dont understand why we are keeping an international roster in the first place, despite "working for our other rosters" It dosent work because we just throw in random cheap transfers and see if they stick. Now there have been decent replacements such as afro and even matys (if he can stay consistent), but the overall team seems to lack consistency (especially KRIMZ and kyubii). Weather its a coaching problem, a player problem, or both, fnatic has completely failed at fixing any of these issues. Players like nicoodoz and roej have became much more consistent after leaving the team, its not a coincidence that our team is just bad, its only gotten worse with more embarrassing performances, and while I do agree the team should have been reworked for cs2, the way they did it is absolutely embarrassing. Teams like meitzsport are fighting their way to the top with an all swedish roster, even if they dont buy big players, at least they have the team chemistry and management to overcome that gap, something that we have a severe lack of. Just start over, either get a new roster with proven pros that still can make big things happen in tier 1, or get a team that has the experience and chemistry together to dominate games. A cookie-cutter international roster without either is just a shitty roster that coinflips every game (NIP). Just get rid keita nonetheless, i still have no idea why hes here with all the failures hes been apart of...