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Stuck in iron???

Stuck in iron???

Hey guys, ever since I started playing League of Legends (wild rift) (ranked) I've been stuck at the bottom of the rankings since I started playing in 2020. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm a support main and will mainly play Braum.

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Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 28/11/2024
Loading...I don't really know if what I'll say will be usefull since it's for wildrift but if you are Iron don't play Braum, Braum is a peel champ you can't play without your team and your team suck so go for dmg supp that can deal dmg like Senna or Lux then when you hit silver go back on Braum
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 28/11/2024
Loading...@Franky Thats right
Avatar for MadMajkl
MadMajkl@MadMajkl• 27/11/2024
Loading...Hello, yes, I agree, struggling like this as well ... riot is only chasing numbers and absolutely doesnt support honest players of low elo. In other words they do support trolls just to keep high population numbers. I am already tired of it as well considering at least stop to pay them. It is unable to climb out. Draw downs brings you back to 0 always ... reliably ...
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 27/11/2024
Loading...@MadMajkl Hey my friend would you pass your opgg so I can see it and maybe help you
Avatar for MadMajkl
MadMajkl@MadMajkl• 28/11/2024
Loading...@MadMajkl Hello @CATXALOTE, i cant somehow reply directly to your comment - is this it? https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/madmajkl-2003
Avatar for Stefans
StefansLEC Summer 2024@Stewie90k• 11/05/2023
Loading...I enjoyed too , was playing rakan and thresh a lot but there was no other way to climb but to become the carry !
Avatar for Stefans
StefansLEC Summer 2024@Stewie90k• 11/05/2023
Loading...Sadly you cant do much as support in low ello , 7out of 10 adc dont know how to play around you nor even farm properly , i had similar problems as support, was stuck in bronze and i had to switch and learn how to adc and carry my way up to plat
Avatar for GamingWithBerni-
Loading...@Stewie90k Jesus lol, I just love being a support so much and helping my ADC get those kills and the minions etc. Maybe it is time I switched it up and tried to learn a different lane
Avatar for JessWasTaken
Loading...Pick one or two champions max, ideally with different playstyles, and spam them. Use YouTube to learn fundamentals like wave management, back timings, and late game macro. Try to replicate it in your games and you will improve. You cannot improve your fundamentals if you are changing champs every game, and it's the fundamentals that must come first. They are the difference between iron and at least high silver. If you stick to a couple of champs, you can get more comfortable assigning your attention to the wider game, rather than piloting the champ, and you can start to learn. Improve on those fundementals and you'll escape iron without any problem.
Avatar for FedEagle
FedEagle@FedEagle• 25/04/2023
Loading...My recommendation is spamming Annie mid to Gold, almost no players in this elo can evade the Flash+ult combo. Of course you need the stun. Could also be viable as support but in mid you get more resources more quickly which means more damage and since fights in low elo are pure chaos, dmg is quite helpful.
Avatar for GamingWithBerni-
Loading...@FedEagle Interesting, thank you very much 😁
Avatar for luxxy
luxxy@luxxy• 24/04/2023
Loading...I have honestly no clue in terms of Wild Rift, never played it and never will, but for League of Legends in general, if you’re that low (Iron-Silver/Gold) just play whatever you want to play and have fun with it. Don’t constrain yourself to only playing Braum or only playing Support. If you’re good enough, you will climb!
Avatar for GamingWithBerni-
Loading...@luxxy Thank you; :D
Avatar for Jhin Wick IV
Loading...I have a friend in a similar boat as you. I honestly just recommend “supports” that have some carry potential like Xerath or Lux because in low elo many ADCs don’t know how to play around supports with low to no damage. Not to mention if your ADC doesn’t do damage, you definitely can since you’re playing a high damage “support” champ
Avatar for GamingWithBerni-
Loading...@Jhin-Wick-IV I used to main lux sup before I moved over to Braum, might be time to go back, I quite liked Sona too