Goodbye to Roej
As we continue the process of rebuilding our CS2 roster with the ambition of competing against the very best, today we say farewell to Fredrik ‘Roej’ Jørgensen. Moving forward he’ll be competing at PreasyEsport and reuniting with Nico.
Over the last year and a half, his proficient entry fragging ability and exceptional in-game skills have been instrumental in attaining legends status and achieving noteworthy success in Major tournaments. We extend our thanks to him for his invaluable contributions.
What’s next for Fnatic? We are actively looking at the options available to bolster our roster and will take the necessary time to ensure we field the most competitive line-up possible.
As always we’ll keep you, the fans, informed over the coming weeks when we have more to share on FNATICCS2. #ALWAYSFNATIC