AllGeneralPick your mood for this week

Pick your mood for this week

Lidn's avatarLidnModerator@Lidn06/05/2024

Pick your mood for this week

Which if these wonderful people best represents you going into the new week? image_2024-05-06_111017064.png

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Avatar for Wqlfys
Wqlfys@Waflec• 06/08/2024
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 07/05/2024
Loading...Im more like a 1, chillling vibes of KRIMZ
Avatar for Destringe
Destringe@Destringe• 07/05/2024
Loading...#6 for sure
Avatar for Chemistry
Chemistry@Chemistry• 07/05/2024
Avatar for La-Formulita
Avatar for mireia_23_
mireia_23_@mireia_23_• 07/05/2024
Loading...Just 6 😂
Avatar for Kowyass
Kowyass@Kowyass• 07/05/2024
Loading...#3 feelin hot
Avatar for Barbss
Barbss@Barbss• 07/05/2024
Loading...Big #6 mood! Except for wednesday when our boys play, thats #5 🖤🧡
Avatar for Quare
Quare@Quare• 07/05/2024
Loading...EZ 4
Avatar for diana
diana@baoziioo• 07/05/2024
Loading...#4 def
Avatar for limaeja
limaejaVCT Champions 2024@limaeja• 07/05/2024
Loading...6 obv
Avatar for Rayo
RayoRat Army@Rayo• 07/05/2024
Loading...A mix between 6 and 3
Avatar for iNekiii
iNekiiiFnatic Plus@iNekiii• 07/05/2024
Loading...Number 4, looking forward to seeing what we got cooked up against GenG
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 06/05/2024
Loading...First 4 when we see what we have cooked up in draft against GenG, then 1 after we 3-0 them
Avatar for TK
TKModerator@AdamTKWallace• 06/05/2024
Loading...Feeling 3 for this week! Praying we smash our games on Wednesday!
Avatar for Lars89
Lars89@Lars89• 06/05/2024
Loading...Number 6.
Avatar for Sneshu
Sneshu@Sneshu• 06/05/2024
Loading...#6 easily 🤣
Avatar for Lidn
LidnModerator@Lidn• 06/05/2024
Loading...Big #1 energy after our Apex teams' 3rd place yesterday
Avatar for Uldingrath
Uldingrath@Uldingrath• 06/05/2024
Loading...I‘ll go with #4