AllValorantGood vibes

Good vibes

LittleRat's avatarLittleRat@LittleRat16/07/2024

Good vibes

Can we all agree that when the guys are happy and the vibes are good like yesterdays match against KC, that Fnatic are just the best team to watch?

They are so entertaining and look like they're having so much fun! Plus giving us some of the craziest rounds you'll ever see.

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Avatar for Wqlfys
Wqlfys@Waflec• 05/08/2024
Loading...Agreed 🐱
Avatar for blueblueblossom09
Loading...Can’t be beat
Avatar for bunion 🐐
bunion 🐐Fnatic Nation 2024@bunion• 22/07/2024
Loading...BiliBili ain’t ready for the vibes
Avatar for common
common@common• 21/07/2024
Loading...Yeah vibes was crazy during grand
Avatar for Tochkata
TochkataFnatic Plus@Tochkata• 21/07/2024
Loading...No doubt
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 17/07/2024
Loading...Fnatic are the most funny and competitive team ive ever saw in mental things, their voice comms are the best thing
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 17/07/2024
Loading...As a fan, it's obvious that for me, Fnatic is the best to watch. Regarding the atmosphere, already being qualified must help a lot; there's zero stress.
Avatar for w_isha
w_isha@w_isha• 16/07/2024
Loading...yup i agree! i'm happy seeing them enjoying and winning matches at the same time!