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Avatar for FNC-MamboToxic
Loading...Osu! why: I lisin to minimum 6hours music daily!
Avatar for sensei
sensei@sensei• 02/05/2023
Loading...GTA 5, i played so much in quarantine
Avatar for TFE
TFE@MCCoolersonHDEx• 02/05/2023
Avatar for Mr_Forum16
Mr_Forum16@Mr_Forum16• 27/04/2023
Loading...Battlefield 4. I don't know, the destruction and the closeness to "real" combat it just magnificent
Avatar for FNC Vato
FNC Vato@vato• 27/04/2023
Loading...All time favorite has to be Garry's mod cause i used to love playing it with my friends and also loved the game cause of the vanoss crew too best times back then ❤️ either that or resident evil village, love the story so much and the dlcs were amazing.
Avatar for Noury
NouryFnatic Plus@Noury• 27/04/2023
Loading...Its gotta be RuneScape due to the sense of progressing your character. There isn't a single MMO that does a better job on behalf of levelling up skills, completing tasks, clue scrolls or even quests.
Avatar for HNTR
HNTRPioneer Key Holder@HNTR• 24/04/2023
Loading...Halo 2. Never had a game give me a 10/10 masterpiece campaign followed by another 10/10 MP experience. Just pure FPS for me
Avatar for wackU
wackU@wackU• 24/04/2023
Loading...Detroit: Become Human and Until Dawn, you guys should give them a try if u haven’t!
Avatar for Don
Don@Don-Adonis• 24/04/2023
Loading...Mass effect 2 and the last of us
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 24/04/2023
Loading...Favourite game on PC: League of Legends And favourite game on Playstation: The Witcher 3 / Dark Souls 🙊🥰
Avatar for Capybara-King
Loading...Minecraft. no need to explain ig bc it´s minecraft
Avatar for Frisky
FriskyFirst Blood@Frisky• 07/03/2023
Loading...World of Warcraft. Had so many relationships develop through that game. I could sink 100 hours into and not be bored
Avatar for Kai
KaiPioneer Key Holder@Kai• 07/03/2023
Loading...Fave game of all time. I don't have a single game but a franchise. Drakenguard / nier franchise has some of the best stories and enjoyment of my childhood. I just wish each one wasn't so far apart from one another release wise haha
Avatar for Lahm
LahmFirst Blood@Lahm• 07/03/2023
Loading...I'm a huge sucker for the Elder Scrolls. Got sucked in to Morrowind way back in the day when my friend ripped it to a CD and gave it to me, think I spent 100+ hours that week doing god knows what in that game. The series will always hold a special place.
Avatar for Parsith
ParsithPioneer Key Holder@Parsith• 07/03/2023
Loading...@Lahm It was such a nice game. But also one where I learned to save every few seconds due to the possibility to kill important NPCs by sheer chance😅
Avatar for Lahm
LahmFirst Blood@Lahm• 07/03/2023
Loading...@Lahm @Parsith For sure, as a child I just gave up on progressing the story as I hadn't realised how badly I had messed everything up on my mischievous adventures through Balmora. It was a good few years after I first started the game before I ever finished it.
Avatar for hannie
hannie@itzhannie• 07/03/2023
Loading...One of the games that comes to my mind is Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies on the dsi! such a classic game, played it so much growing up! i miss grinding those metal slimes to level my party up.
Avatar for Kilter
KilterModerator@Kilter• 06/03/2023
Loading...Anno 1602 - I will never not love it
Avatar for 1FreshBanana1
Loading...@Kilter Omg this game was my childhood. My family and me played it so so much
Avatar for arno
arnoModerator@arnoha• 06/03/2023
Loading...I would say Assassins Creed. Back when stories were meaningful.
Avatar for owenmelbz
owenmelbzOfficial@owenmelbz• 06/03/2023
Loading...@arnoha Yes! I loved the assassin style games! This and hitman I used to sink endless hours into perfecting the perfect murder 😂
Avatar for 1FreshBanana1
Loading...@arnoha I really liked when assassins creed was a game about assassins. I'm still sad about the change of direction in the game series
Avatar for Tofu
TofuModerator@Tofu• 06/03/2023
Loading...Final Fantasy XIV - it's my 5th year playing it and I'm still logging in nearly every day like a freakin addict
Avatar for Parsith
ParsithPioneer Key Holder@Parsith• 07/03/2023
Loading...@Tofu Thomas Selleck on Zodiark is always ready to f*ck some shit up ;)
Avatar for Tofu
TofuModerator@Tofu• 07/03/2023
Loading...@Tofu @Parsith Ayy we are on the same server as well! Tofu Amicitia from Zodiark - Omnicrafter and stuffs, happy to rock 6.35 with the new grinds x)
Avatar for GotCopper
GotCopperPioneer Key Holder@GotCopper• 06/03/2023
Loading...Either Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky or The Talos Principle. Sky had some of the best story I have ever seen in a Pokemon game, genuinely made me feel connected to the characters and hurt me when they left or died, even as a kid. The Talos Principle, I loved the puzzles and challenges that it presented and the story and philosophy within the game.
Avatar for Parsith
ParsithPioneer Key Holder@Parsith• 06/03/2023
Loading...I guess retro-wise Link to the Past / FFVI / Vampires the Masquerade: Bloodlines / Deus Ex (1) Nowadays: Fina Fantasy XIV, that‘s one banger of a game.
Avatar for Shira
ShiraPioneer Key Holder@Nex• 06/03/2023
Loading...Red dead redemption 2 was really my all time fav still is tho hogwarts legacy is becoming a very close second dont judge me🥲
Avatar for AlEcksLU
AlEcksLUPioneer Key Holder@AlEcksLU• 06/03/2023
Loading...Of all times? I think Zelda a link to the past was the first game that really catched me and that was the begining of a lovestory with the whole Zelda serie
Avatar for FNATIC Adrian
Loading...Genuinely a three way toss-up between Tekken/Dynasty Warriors and League of Legends. Probably will lean towards League due to the esports aspect of it.
Avatar for Anivers Kun
Loading...Pokémon Sapphire/Ruby/Emerald soo many hours invested!
Avatar for PartyPim
PartyPimPioneer Key Holder@PartyPim• 03/03/2023
Loading...1080 Avalanche🏂, it has nostalgia and a great soundtrack.
Avatar for Faravvyn
FaravvynPioneer Key Holder@Faravvyn• 03/03/2023
Loading...I loved all the zelda games but maybe portal gets close
Avatar for Dude
DudePioneer Key Holder@Vulcanosaurus• 03/03/2023
Loading...Terraria, especially with mods.
Avatar for Jhin Wick IV
Loading...Halo Reach. It was my first actual FPS and I had so many hours playing that game with my friends. Lots of great memories from a great game.
Avatar for TruVyper
TruVyperFirst Blood@TruVyper• 03/03/2023
Loading...Any game you’re my player 2 😍
Avatar for 1FreshBanana1
Loading...@TruVyper Mr. Hypeman
Avatar for fran
franPioneer Key Holder@franwhsh• 03/03/2023
Loading...the legend of zelda twilight princess ! bc of the nostalgia it brings me :o what abt u ?
Avatar for 1FreshBanana1
Loading...@franwhsh Deciding is really hard but in the end it's probebly Hades. Honorable Mention for me are Binding of Isaac Rebirth, Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Civilization 5
Avatar for Twoods
TwoodsVCT Champions 2022@jjattwood• 06/03/2023
Loading...@franwhsh Yesss good shout but mines ocarina of time/ majoras mask for the same reason
Avatar for Stefans
StefansLEC Summer 2024@Stewie90k• 03/03/2023
Loading...Gta San Andreas !!! “Cruising down the street in my 64 “
Avatar for uNDeRCoVeRBoSS
Loading...That's a tough one... Gotta go with Battlefield 2. It was my first game spending hours and hours on. Had lots of fun with the clan I was in back in the days. Good old times! League of legends comes to a close 2nd. Still playing it, but sadly not that great at the game xD
Avatar for 1FreshBanana1
Loading...@unDeRCoVeRBoSS Ohhh battlefield 2 is a good choice. I'm a huge battlefield fan but I'm quite sad about the series atm :(